Improved read markers in Ubooquity

April 3, 2020

Last fall I posted about a javascript injection for adding useful read markers to the Ubooquity comic server. I haven’t been idle since then, since I kept tripping over areas for improvement while trying to read things, and I’ve finally gotten around to cleaning up and releasing those improvements:

  • Fetching of the read markers is now delayed 1000ms from page load; this means you have to wait a moment before the markers appear (or before the book links are rewritten), but it works around an issue where sometimes, after closing a book, it takes the server a moment to update the read status, meaning that when the page loaded it would fetch the old status rather than the current one.
  • A reload button is added to the top center of the bookshelf page
  • The progress bar in reading mode is replaced with a draggable slider that lets you easily seek to any page; the slider, page counter, and actual reading of the book should always stay in sync.

The script is still available on github and as before it has (untested) UserJS markers if you want to try installing it in the browser rather than injecting it into the pages server-side.